
Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta viaggi

How we live in the province of Turin in 2020

How we live in the province of Turin in 2020 Ho deciso di scrivere qualcosa di un po' diverso dal solito. Tenete presente che ho dovuto modificare questo post già tre volte a causa dei cambiamenti costanti che stanno accadendo. L'idea di questo post nasce dopo aver letto diverse testate giornalistiche straniere, che si ponevano il dilemma se è ancora il caso di viaggiare verso l'Italia e la situazione pericoloso definita al pari di una zona di guerra. Come alcuni di voi sanno, io abito nella provincia di Torino e posso esprimere la mia esperienza per i comuni di Rivoli, Collegno, Pianezza, Alpignano e Grugliasco. Tenete conto che stiamo vivendo due situazioni disconnesse tra loro. Da una parte i canali di comunicazione ci hanno bombardato per settimane di notizie apocalittiche. Chiunque parlava del virus, tutte le notizie erano concentrate sul virus, le zone rosse, i malati e le strutture sanitarie. Dal 1 marzo i toni sono stati più moderati. Tradotto ogni due not


What to see in Krakow. Travel itinerary . Krakow is a beautiful city in Poland. Rich in history and culture, also remembered for its splendid Christmas market. On this trip, I will tell you what to visit in three days, between the castle, the Jewish area, and the salt mines. Square of Wawel Castle The Royal Castle of Wawel. The exhibitions in the castle are divided into permanent and seasonal. The cost varies depending on the exhibits you choose. It is closed on Mondays and several other days and holidays, so check on the linked⏩ site. In my case, I could visit the castle only on December 8 with free entry, but only to visit 3 rooms. It's not possible to take pictures inside and to pay in euros. According to the times and days there are guides in various languages. Admission to the hill is free. As for the permanent exhibitions we find: The environments of the Royal Representation. The Royal Private Apartments. The Armory and the Crown Treasure. The Art of the Ea

Salt mines of Wieliczka in Krakow worth visiting

Are the salt mines of Wieliczka in Krakow worth visiting? The Mines of Wieliczka Sale, located about 15 km from the center of Krakow, can be reached by car, scheduled coaches and tours organized with transfer such as those of Getyourguide. Types of mine visits: Getyourguide offers two types of organized guide packages. The first, as already mentioned, also consists of transport from the hotel to the mine while the second offers only the organized tour of the Mine with meeting nearby. Pope John Paul II statue From the official mine website, you can also buy the ticket for individual visit and mining route. On the mining trail, you will be given the workers' clothes of the miners to recreate the traditions and life of the miners of the mine. Activities in Salt and Spa Mines: The salt mine, used until 1996 for extraction, is also a spa/medical center with Spa. The microclimate inside the mine offers respiratory benefits for everyone, but especially for those suffering

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